I'll try that writing out thing next time, because I always forget to tell you good stuff that goes on. [His uncle told me to suggest that he write out his letter before he goes to the place to email because it is hard to type AND think of everything that he wants to tell us.]
So to start out with the good stuff, Elder Evans' bike lost it's left pedal. So we ended up tying an exercise elastic band to the back of my bike and to the front of his bike... Do you know how hard it is to pull 180 pounds of missionary?! Through the sand! Pretty hard! Luckily we switch off after every appointment. And we have Heavenly Father helping us along the way too :)
I got all the DearElders and Melissa's letter!!! One of the couples from the mission home came up to inspect our house for cleanliness, so they brought the letters with them. (Just so you know Mom, our house was the cleaner one of the two) It's funny to read about what's going on with all my other friends, I can totally hear their humor in their writing! I especially liked Olex's comment about making a new hole in his belt... the good way:) I had a good laugh.
I am so blessed to come here. One day last week, we didn't plan enough appointments for the day so we just decided to go tracting. We picked up 15 new investigators that day! Everyone here is so nice, or they just don't know how to turn someone down. Either way, it's a plus! So turns out that the couple didn't get married so they aren't getting baptized this week. I just don't think they are motivated enough to walk into town and spend an hour or two to get everything sorted out and receive eternal salvation, but whatever. Just kidding, but that is a problem in this country, they don't like to take the initiative sometimes, so you have to do it for them.
So, new fact I found out this week: Congo just passed Zimbabwe in baptisms, and are now the top baptizing mission in the world! Do you know who is third?.... Madagascar! I'm not bragging, "just zayin".... (Mom quote) Oh, cool thing. We saw a missionary from 2005 and talked to him for a little bit. It was really cool to see his perpsective from 6 years ago. Turns out that he was one of the first Elders in Tamatave. And back then they only had two areas and one church. Now there are five areas and two churches. Another cool thing is that he taught and baptized a guy who is the husband of one of our investigators now!
So for P-Day today we might just go to an American sandwich place and count that as our BBQ. We are lazy and don't want to clean anything up haha. But Brother O'Day from the MTC is up here in Tamatave and is gonna hang out with us along with the 2005 missionary. (I don't know his name)
That's so crazy for Brian and Melissa! [They are looking at architecture jobs in Seattle.] I really hope they get the job so they can be rollin' in the dough by the time I get back so they can bake me some homemade bread! Translation: I hope they get the job so they can be really rich by the time I get back and they can give me a lot of money for free... Or just give me a loaf of homemade bread for free.
I'm glad Sister Vlam loves reading my blog. She is so fun to be around! Sister Vlam, will you have dinner with my family this next Sunday? I just know they will love for you to come!
About the magic tricks. Yes I do have magic tricks. Yes, I do show them to everyone if I remember to bring a coin with me. And yes, that could be the only reason we get return appointments with some investigators :) Not really, but I am getting pretty good at my two magic tricks haha
Well I'll just end with this, if you ever feel like you are alone, pray. If you ever feel sad, pray. If you are ever mad at someone, confused about something, totally lost about what to do next, pray. It's a commandment to pray, we need to pray. I forgot where it is in the scriptures but it talks about what you should pray about and where and when, I'll translate it into modern day revelence... (is that the word, I don't know English) "Pray in your house, pray for safety, pray for health, pray in your car, pray at work and school, pray for your children and friends, pray before you sleep and after you wake up, pray while you are walking somewhere, pray when you don't want to pray. And when you are not praying, always have a prayer in your heart." I don't know about you, but that pretty much covers the whole day. It might feel weird to pray a lot at first because you think you run out of stuff to say. But you find new things, then you build an actual relationship with your Heavenly Father. He is your literal father, you should talk to him. And hey, you might just receive more blessings in your life.
I love you all and am very jealous that you are seeing Transformers! haha I'll talk to you next week!
Elder Walker
1 comment:
Brad. Already so wise:) I sent him a letter but didn't realize that it still had the MTC address on it...so he probably won't get it for a long time. But let him know maybe, that I loved what he wrote about prayer. I think he said it perfectly! and I may just steal it and put it up somewhere that I can see it!
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