"Magicianary" - A missionary who does magic to bring joy and happiness as well as share the gospel with the people of Madagascar (According to Brad)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It's so amazing - June 27, 2011

   It's so amazing how fast the week goes here! It's already been three weeks here;  it's seems like one week. Teaching has been going well. I'm actually teaching instead of bearing testimony or praying. This past Sunday was the Malagasy's Independence. On Saturday they had this huge firework show on the beach and everyone in Tamatave was there. So all the missionaries went and contacted as many people as we could. I didn't contact many people on the beach but as we were walking home I was holding out fanasan's (invitations) to cars passing by and the people would grab them. One person missed the paper and the whole car actually stopped so I could run up and hand it to him! It was really cool. 
   The baptisms that were supposed to happen didn't. The people didn't get married in time and so they couldn't get baptized. But don't worry, they are getting married this Friday and we will baptize them and their kid the next day. They are really cool, two of their kids are already baptized. We teach them everyday except Sunday and Monday so it's sometimes hard to find something new to teach because they already know A TON. The father is so humble and I just love them so much. 
   Don't worry about the rain coat. Elder Evans gave me an extra one to use. And it would just cost way too much to send. I could probably get the same quality at way cheaper price just because of ratio change, whatever you call it. :) Their largest bill is equal to a five dollar bill. Phil are you jealous that I can get a week's worth of groceries for ten or fifteen dollars? 
   I don't get any letters right now because I am nine hours away from Tana. And that's the only place they print them. They just bring them out whenever someone comes out to visit. But when I am in Tana, I can pick them up every other day or so if I wanted. But I still know you guys love me. 

Does your ward/branch meet in a church or what? 
     Yeah, there are two churches in Tamatave. Pres. Donnelly is thinking about buying property for future churches out here.
How many people attend? 
     Well last week our branch had 159 people at church. But this week (their Independence day) there was only 62. But the usual is around 130 or so. 
Do they have a keyboard or piano? Have you gotten to play?
     They have a piano sized keyboard that the right pedal is broken. They have a lot of people that can play and lead so I don't need to.
How many investigators do you have going right now? 
     We have around 10 to 15ish right now. 
How many live in your apt. and what are their names?
     Elder Walker(that's me)
     Elder Evans(he's English)
     Elder Roney(he's from Mapleton)
     Elder Wilson(MTC group, has no connection to the tennis brand)
I hope those are good enough answers for you ;) I'm working hard for you guys. Literally, riding through the sand is tough when you have... not the best quallity of bikes. Just ask Brian and Adam, they know. Speaking of riding bikes, the moon is not out right now so whenever we are riding home at night we almost crash into people because they are black and blend in with the dark! They are silent as cats and can never tell where they are. It would be more scary if any of them were bigger them me, but they aren't so everything is good :D 
               Elder Walker

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